I’ve been living in my place for a long time and my lifestyle isn’t exactly minimal. Because of my lifestyle I’ve accrued a lot of crap. And yes, I said crap for a reason: Most of the things that are in my living space aren’t particularly useful or crucial for my day to day. So, it usually taking up space.
One can say, having a lot of stuff isn’t necessarily a bad thing, but at a certain point, you have to say “enough’s enough.” And when that time comes, having a yard sale is the most logical step.
Now the most critical thing after putting together a yard sale is getting people to actually come to the yard sale. To help you with that, it shouldn’t be too hard if you have a sign like this.
#01. I support this worthy cause.
#02. Very Convincing.
#03. Bonus: You get to hear the divorcee’s story while you shop.
#04. Totally Sold.
#05. Lyrics by Sir Sales-A-Lot.
#06. I’ll go if he goes.
#07. And with less rats!
#08. Haunting not included.
#09. Way to sell it!
#10. It’s true that sex sells.
#11. Everything is at thuper low prices.
#12. Hopefully I can find a cute tea friggin’ set.
#13. Help the cute girls, won’t you?
#14. You know that loony-tunes grandmas have some great stuff.
#15. Double discount for a cat with a cute butt.
#16. I sense a lot of unresolved anger here.
#17. Is there really any different?
#18. This one is going to be good.
#19. Finally.
#20. And almost certainly at desperate prices.
#21. There’s more than enough crap to go around.
#22. This is one way to get attention.
#23. Even if you’re not in the market for anything, you can go and bask in her sorrow.
#24. He really just hates his stuff.
#25. Finally putting their feet down.
#26. How much for the ethnic child?
#27. When things don’t go as planned.
#28. Brilliant.
#29. It’s true.
#30. As they say…you can’t take it with you.
#31. Get him outta there.
#32. Yikes.
If you like these brutally honest yard sale signs, then SHARE them with others. Because everyone needs to put together a yard sale one day or another.