They’re Taking Wedding Vows, Until He Turns To His Bride’s Daughter And Says THIS!

Wedding vows are promises each partner in a couple makes to the other during a wedding ceremony. For centuries, marrying couples recited the wedding vows of their particular religious—perhaps without even considering an alternative.

Brian and Whitney live in North Carolina, but they decided to plan their wedding in the mountains of McCall, ID. Brian came into Whitney and her daughter Breezy’s lives a couple of years ago, and his love for both of them is almost tangible. There were many special moments over their wedding weekend, but nothing touched me more than their sweet vows to one another. Brian’s wedding vows are truly the most touching I’ve seen in a long time.

Brian’s vows to his daughter is the most amazing moment for me. If this video doesn’t bring you to tears, I don’t know what will.

Credit: PenWeddings

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