Here Are 4 Types Of Students Accommodation In Melbourne, Australia

Australian cities attract both local and international students from countries like China. India, Malaysia, Vietnam, China and many more. Almost every 3rd university student is from overseas. Are you among the international students who have chosen to study in Australia? Is one of the cities, Melbourne? Then you are in luck, it’s rated as the most liveable city in the world, and it’s among the students best city. This sounds wonderful. However, there is the matter of seeking accommodation.

If you are new to the city, finding accommodation is tedious as you may not know what to expect. It’s challenging to sort living arrangement from a different side of the globe. Don’t worry; we got you covered. Below we highlight types of the best accommodation for a student:

Students Accommodation In Melbourne

1. University accommodation

As a first-year student and new to the country, you may decide to choose the university’s hall of residence. It comes with various advantages, including making new friends. It’s conveniently located. Thus you don’t have to worry about commuting to lectures or the library. No worries about complications of utility bills and landlords. Though there’s a catch. Are you willing to live in a place where there are constant noise and mess from other students? Are you ready to live with someone you don’t know? If yes, it might be worth considering. However, there is no guarantee that you might get a place in your preferred accommodation. Thus, it’s good to have plan B while seeking student accommodation in Melbourne.

2. Private student halls

You may consider looking for private student halls around your university. En suite private student apartment halls enable you to enjoy your room with a bed, private bathroom and study area but you share common areas such as a kitchen or TV room. Another option is acquiring a studio apartment. However, you need to know bills you’ll pay, including any upfront costs. You get to enjoy meeting up with various students from other universities and not just your university.

Some private halls of residence have handy perks such as fully furnished bed, mattress, wardrobe, study desk and Wi-Fi in the package. Private companies who own student residential halls are in the business to earn profits. Thus their facilities are costly. Some have additional perks such as sauna or cinema rooms which look flamboyant, but you may never really use them. Another pitfall when applying is that you don’t choose who you live with. Some are noisy and messy.

3. Private flats

As a student, you may detest living in halls. Are you looking for a place that will enable you to have more time to study or enjoy your newly found freedom? That’s where private houses or flats come in as an option. Landlords or letting agents own the private rented houses or apartments. Individual units of student accommodation in Melbourne offer a person their own living space away from the university’s realm. While considering this option, you are likely to enjoy being able to decide where you will live and with who. This is an ideal option for students seeking to prepare for post-university life. One has to manage their bills, thus the need for a budget.

Be ready to deal directly with landlords as some will need you to pay a security deposit after signing a lease. They lodge it with the Residential Tenancies Bond Authority (RTBA). The landlord or letting agent can’t access the bond and neither can you use it to pay rent. If you cause any destruction or damage to the property while you are renting, a landlord requests the RTBA to compensate them at the end of the lease.

4. Living with a family

Another option that one might have is a homestay. Here, you live with a family in their home during your study period. A homestay gives you the family support network. A beautiful family can help you ease into your new life in Melbourne, Australia. You have your room which you have to maintain high levels of cleanliness. Degree of freedom and responsibility depends on the family you will stay with. However, homestays are further away from campus than any other type of accommodation. Costs depend on facilities, location,and a number of meals the family provides.


Making the wrong accommodation decision can put a strain on your university experience. If you stick to the types of residence stated above, you can have a better chance of selecting the best accommodationthat will work for you. Choose a living space that will allow you to become yourself and mingle with students from other countries and locals. You will be able to broaden your horizon and enjoy the diverse cultures.

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