What to Expect When Shopping for Ultrasound Unit

Ultrasound units are an essential tool within the healthcare world and finding good ultrasound equipment for sale is critical. Ultrasound technology, otherwise known as sonography, is crucial in finding a diagnosis and the ultimate treatment of a wide variety of health conditions.

There is a broad misconception that ultrasound is solely used in order to monitor fetal development while pregnant. The medical community is fully in tune with the many benefits that ultrasound actually provides including the capability to diagnose for heart conditions, the detection of tumors, and the monitoring for the health of your internal organs inclusive of the kidneys, pancreas, liver, and bladder. These are among the most useful pieces of equipment in any of the medical environments today.

Shopping for Ultrasound Unit

Average Cost For Ultrasound Systems

When shopping for ultrasound equipment for sale, a large part of the price point is going to depend on the level of technology that you’re interested in. Machines can range from $10,000 all the way upwards of $200,000. A smaller independent medical office will be able to practice with a black and white unit coming in on the lower end of the cost spectrum while a major hospital requiring a color system with images in a 4D complexity will come in at the highest range.

If you are in the market for used or refurbished systems that offer an awesome money-savings option you can expect to spend approximately $5,000 at the lower end versus about $40,000 on the higher end for your average type of model.

Fees Associated with Your Ultrasound Machine

If you are new to buying an ultrasound, there are other fees that you will need to take into consideration with your budget.

  • Training. Typically, installation and training for the unit will be included in the initial price of the system. However, if the staff will be in need of more intensive training, that will be an additional cost for outsourced professionals.
  • Delivered. Having your equipment delivered to the practice will result in additional fees.
  • Servicing. You will want some type of a service contract in order to keep up with the maintenance, cleaning, and repairs for the system which is going to cost upwards of at least 10-15 percent of what you spent for the system annually.
  • Probes. Extra transducer probes are going to cost in a range from as little as $500 all the way upwards of $5000 with your standards being less than the $1000 price point.
  • Printer. You are going to need a printer for the machine with the black and white being far less than the color version, of course, going from approximately $1000-$3000.
  • Supplies. There is a mix of supplies that will need to be kept up on a regular basis including lotions, transmission gel, pads. These will be included with the initial price point, but you’ll need to always have these on hand after that point.

Ultrasound equipment for sale will range from the basic all the way up to the advanced at the highest end and you’ll need to purchase yours based on what your particular services require.

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