5 Practical Cybersecurity Tips when Working from Home

The year 2020 has been a lot different for the world in every perspective. Corona virus has caught everything with a tight grip, and every business and its processes are moulding to fight the pandemic. One of the significant changes that the organizations have yielded in to is a tremendous increase in the work from home setup. Even tech companies like Twitter are talking about making work from home permanent for their employees.

The comfort of home and convenience it has brought is terrific. However, one critical aspect that is at stake while WFH is the cybersecurity. In the workplace, the systems are under protection, and data sharing is in check. However, it looks like that the pandemic is going to be with us for some time, and the situations will not normalize that quickly. So, we need to take some actions to ensure cybersecurity at home. Here are some tips.

Practical Cybersecurity Tips

Encrypt Your Communication

If you surf online without a VPN, your IP address and browsing history are readily available to other malicious parties. It is essential to play safely at home and protect your crucial data. Once you know what VPN is, you will realize how necessary and convenient it is to use it. VPNs can help you encrypt your online traffic to protect you from ISPs and websites that you browse, monitor your browsing habits, and sell your information to third parties.

Avoid Oversharing Your Screen

During e-meets, be careful when sharing your screen. If possible, don’t leave the tabs or windows open that you don’t want to share. Sometimes it happens randomly, and sometimes you share something you didn’t mean. Although it’s not practical, it’s also a matter of privacy. You must keep a check on the content that you do not want to share with others.

Secure Your Home Network

Make sure your WiFi network is encrypted. If there is a requirement of a password for your WiFi, this is an excellent beginning. If not, access your router settings to change it. You must also change the default password on your router if you have never done it before. If your router is interrupted, the attacker can access your device and everything you send through the router. The default password for the router is a weak link in its protection.

Avoid Public WiFis

Many people like to work in cafes with public WiFi. It is a dangerous way of working because hackers can access your computer when they are on the same network. Internet security tip 101: If your employee works in a public place, make sure that your employee uses a private hotspot or encrypts your web connection. Encrypted web links protect your data traffic.

Separate your Work and Personal Devices

Easier said than done, we know. However, just as important to draw the line between professional and personal life, this also applies to devices. Do you have children who are now at home and doing digital tasks? Do you order groceries and groceries online to avoid shopping? It is best not to cross these hairs with work.

Corona virus has changed the way we work, but it is not wise to put cybersecurity at stake. As we see, maintaining cybersecurity while working from home is hard, but not impossible. With some efforts and persistence, we can ensure a secure digital environment while working from home.

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