75 Photos Of Most Magnificent Night Sky Around The World. #27 Is Pure Magic!

Sky is a magical place where mysterious undiscovered things happening every second. Watching clear sky in the warm summer night can’t be explained. It shows us the fascinating beauty of our universe.

The night sky is so amazing to look at and think about. Not only are you seeing distant stars, but you are seeing back in time too. We live in an amazing place in this universe and these 75 magnificent night sky photos will tell you how awesome our planet is.

#1. Dreamy Earth (turkey)

Dreamy Earth (turkey)
Source: Husham Alasadi

#2. When Worlds Collide (Washington, USA)

When Worlds Collide (Washington, USA)
Source: Dave Morrow

#3. Ancient

Source: Unknown

#4. Night Sky in Alaska

Night Sky in Alaska
Source: murraymitchell.com

#5. Thunderstorm Near Broken Bow, Nebraska, USA

Thunderstorm Near Broken Bow, Nebraska, USA
Source: nationalgeographic.com

#6. Time-lapsed Australian night sky

Time-lapsed Australian night sky
Source: imgur.com

#7. Southern Milky Way (Patagonia, Argentina)

Southern Milky Way (Patagonia, Argentina)
Source: Greg Boratyn

#8. Starry Night Sky

Starry Night Sky
Source: CoolBieRe

#9. Northern Lights, Iceland

Northern Lights, Iceland
Source: Preserved Light Photography

#10. VLA And Milky Way (New Mexico, USA)

VLA And Milky Way (New Mexico, USA)
Source: Knate Myers

#11. Galactic Dance (Mount Cook, New Zealand)

Galactic Dance (Mount Cook, New Zealand)
Source: Jay Daley

#12. Red Square In Moscow, Russia

Red Square In Moscow, Russia
Source: Cesur Kucuk

#13. Perfect Campsite

Perfect Campsite
Source: Unknown

#14. Night Sky at Crater Lake, USA

Night Sky at Crater Lake, USA
Source: imgur.com

#15. Night Sky in Rio

Night Sky in Rio
Source: imgur.com

#16. The Milky Way over the Himalayan night sky

The Milky Way over the Himalayan night sky
Source: imgur.com

#17. Night sky over Mt Ekmond New Zealand

Night sky over Mt Ekmond New Zealand
Source: CoolBieRe

#18. Night Sky in Lake Dumbleyung, Western Australia

Night Sky in Lake Dumbleyung, Western Australia
Source: Michael Goh

#19. Radio Mast Milkyway (southern Finland)

Radio Mast Milkyway (southern Finland)
Source: Unknown

#20. Perseid Meteor Shower Over Denver, Colorado

Perseid Meteor Shower Over Denver, Colorado
Source: Thomas O’Brien

#21. The Eye Of The Universe (180 Degree Panorama Over Australia)

The Eye Of The Universe (180 Degree Panorama Over Australia)
Source: Ben Robson

#22. Milky Way On The Rise: Trinity County Ca

Milky Way On The Rise: Trinity County Ca
Source: Gossman Photography

#23. A Dreamscape From Rila Mountain, Bulgaria

A Dreamscape From Rila Mountain, Bulgaria
Source: Emil Rashkovski

#24. Arctic Sky In Lofoten, Norway

Arctic Sky In Lofoten, Norway
Source: Jarrod Castaing

#25. Night Sky in Montana

Night Sky in Montana
Source: imgur.com

#26. Surreal Night At Easter Island

Surreal Night At Easter Island
Source: Unknown

#27. Aurora Over The Callanish Standing Stones, Isle Of Lewis

Aurora Over The Callanish Standing Stones, Isle Of Lewis
Source: Unknown

#28. Dortmund (ger) Main Station

Dortmund (ger) Main Station
Source: Unknown

#29. Aurora Borealis

Aurora Borealis
Source: Garðar Ólafsson

#30. Galactic Panorama Taken In The Middle Of A Desert In Arizona

Galactic Panorama Taken In The Middle Of A Desert In Arizona
Source: Michael Shainblum

#31. In Awe

In Awe
Source: Unknown

#32. Milky Way Galaxy Hanging Cver The Devil’s Tower In Wyoming (western Usa)

Milky Way Galaxy Hanging Cver The Devil’s Tower In Wyoming (western Usa)
Source: David Lane

#33. Area 51 Stargazer

Area 51 Stargazer
Source: Todd Kennedy

#34. Techno Moon, Landschaftspark Duisburg, Germany

Techno Moon, Landschaftspark Duisburg, Germany
Source: Heinz Molter

#35. The Search For Extraterrestrial Life Continues.

The Search For Extraterrestrial Life Continues.
Source: Todd Kennedy

#36. The Time Machine

The Time Machine
Source: Unknown

#37. Hunters Of The Past (mt.pilio – Greece)

Hunters Of The Past (mt.pilio - Greece)
Source: Kostas Themelis

#38. Berlin Spree River

Berlin Spree River
Source: Unknown

#39. The night sky of Bora Bora, Leeward Islands

The night sky of Bora Bora, Leeward Islands
Source: imgur.com

#40. Aggstein Castle (wachau, Austria)

Aggstein Castle (wachau, Austria)
Source: Unknown

#41. Potsdamer Square Berlin

Potsdamer Square Berlin
Source: Unknown

#42. Night sky in Sweden

Night sky in Sweden
Source: imgur.com

#43. Matterhorn Swiss Alps

Matterhorn Swiss Alps
Source: Roman Burri

#44. Stardust (Soutrali Beach – Greece)

Stardust (Soutrali Beach - Greece)
Source: Unknown

#45. Berlin Triumph Pillar

Berlin Triumph Pillar
Source: Unknown

#46. Galactic Dream

Galactic Dream
Source: Bun Lee

#47. Castle Spandau

Castle Spandau
Source: Unknown

#48. Noche De San Fermin

Noche De San Fermin
Source: Unknown

#49. Tromso

Source: Thomas Treu

#50. West Berlin

West Berlin
Source: Unknown

#51. The Way To The Universe

The Way To The Universe
Source: Unknown

#52. Cabin In The Woods, Ämtö, Sweden

Cabin In The Woods, Ämtö, Sweden
Source: Unknown

#53. Goblin Valley State Park, United States

Goblin Valley State Park, United States
Source: David Lane

#54. Aurora Hunting On The Isle Of Lewis

Aurora Hunting On The Isle Of Lewis
Source: Unknown

#55. Night Sky in Colorado

Night Sky in Colorado
Source: imgur.com

#56. The Night Sky in Antarctica

The Night Sky in Antarctica
Source: imgur.com

#57. Western Australia Wonder

Western Australia Wonder
Source: Jody Brown

#58. Night Sky in Sao Paulo

Night Sky in Sao Paulo
Source: imgur.com

#59. Orbital Motion Dead Tree

Orbital Motion Dead Tree
Source: Unknown

#60. Camping Under The Milky Way (ranu Kumbolo, Indonesia)

Camping Under The Milky Way (ranu Kumbolo, Indonesia)
Source: Unknown

#61. The Andromeda galaxy

The Andromeda galaxy
Source: imgur.com

#62. Fisherman Milky Way

Fisherman Milky Way
Source: Luis Miguel Domingos

#63. Kathmandu, Nepal

Kathmandu, Nepal
Source: Unknown

#64. Touching Stars In Brazil

Touching Stars In Brazil
Source: Sydney Junior

#65. Andromeda nears Milky Way before colliding.

Andromeda nears Milky Way before colliding.
Source: imgur.com

#66. Queen Of The Sky – Great Nebula In Orion

Queen Of The Sky - Great Nebula In Orion
Source: Unknown

#67. Night Sky in The Brooklyn Bridge, New York City

Night Sky in The Brooklyn Bridge, New York City
Source: imgur.com

#68. Tra Fiori E Stelle (castelluccio Di Norcia, Italy)

Tra Fiori E Stelle (castelluccio Di Norcia, Italy)
Source: Stefano Vita

#69. Golden Sky (lake Constance)

Golden Sky (lake Constance)
Source: Unknown

#70. Ranu Kumbolo, Indonesia

Ranu Kumbolo, Indonesia
Source: Unknown

#71. Stone Carver

Stone Carver
Source: Unknown

#72. Heaven’s Above

Heaven's Above
Source: Unknown

#73. Devil’s Tower, Wyoming night sky

Devil's Tower, Wyoming night sky
Source: imgur.com

#74. Uluru, Australia, Under The Milky Way

Uluru, Australia, Under The Milky Way
Source: Unknown

#75. Yosemite’s night sky

Yosemite's night sky
Source: imgur.com

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