5 Challenges of Opening a Medical Marijuana Dispensary

If you’re thinking about starting a medical marijuana dispensary, it’s in your best interest to realize that you will potentially face challenges getting this business venture off the ground.

For starters, you better make sure it’s legal to sell medical marijuana in your state before opening up a dispensary. Otherwise you’ll find yourself in a world of trouble that just isn’t worth it in the end.

According to the cannabis consultants at ThinkCanna.com, “Medical marijuana is considered the fastest growing industry in the United States.”

As you can imagine, even though the industry is growing quicker than any other right now, it’s still in its infancy and the laws and rules surrounding this business aren’t quite clear. So keep that in mind if you’re thinking about entering this business in your state.

With that said, let’s take a look at the five challenges that every medical marijuana dispensary might face.

Understanding Medical Marijuana Laws

As you alluded to earlier, there are laws in place that you’re eventually going to break once you get into this industry. And you need to understand the consequences of your actions beforehand if you want to stay completely informed.

If you do not understand the laws regarding medical marijuana dispensaries, it’s in your best interest to contact a lawyer.

Ask as many questions as possible. Find out about certain aspects of the business that you don’t understand from a legal standpoint. And then you can decide if you’re going to play it straight or break some of the laws and rules that don’t particularly make any sense.

Marketing Your Medical Marijuana Dispensary

Whether you know it or not, you will have to market your medical marijuana dispensary if you plan on having a successful company. You’ll certainly get foot traffic, but people aren’t going to flock to you in droves since you’re technically only supposed to sell weed for medical purposes and nothing more.

In order to have success in this industry, you’ll need to learn how to market your business.

Many companies are having great success marketing their businesses online. They either hire public relations experts and/or search engine optimization specialists, or they learn how to master these skills themselves.

Ultimately, you’ll need to learn about marketing, press releases, SEO, video advertising, online multimedia, and much more.

Medical Marijuana Dispensary Security

Medical Marijuana Dispensary Security

Obviously, legally selling pot doesn’t mean that you’ll never run into any potential security issues. On the contrary, there are many people in this world that would like to get their hands on your products. And they’d like to do it for free.

With that thought in mind, you will need to take the security of your dispensary very seriously. Make sure you have a trusted security staff available to help you during business hours.

Pay your security staff well and keep them happy. If you do, they will work hard to protect your store and the inventory inside.

Designing Your Dispensary

Setting up the correct interior design is important for a successful medical marijuana dispensary. You have to create a friendly, accessible, safe and fun environment. Otherwise potential customers will avoid your shop.

Keeping up with Cannabis

In order to be a success in this industry, you’ll need to stay on top of everything. You’ll need to research the latest strains, find out about the latest trends and product developments, and ultimately you’ll need to offer your customers top-of-the-line products at all times.

If you fail in this endeavor, your customers will find someone else to sell them their medical marijuana.


Opening a medical marijuana dispensary could be a huge win as a business owner. Make sure you pay attention to the possible challenges, because if you don’t you’ll have a much greater risk of failing rather than succeeding.

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