What He Did With An Abandoned Shack In The Desert Is Just BREATHTAKING!

With little creativity and vast imagination, one can turn a piece of junk into an astonishing art. Well, Phillip K. Smith III, an artist and architect, made it happened! He found an abandoned shack in the middle of the desert and transformed it into something amazing. If you’d found this abandoned shack first, before Phillip, then you couldn’t believe that it can become such a stunning work of art.

When Phillip saw it first he wanted to create an art piece that captured the quiet and slow-moving pace of Joshua Tree National Park’s desert landscape. How he achieved this transparent, reflective effect is quite interesting. He removed every other weathered board and replaced it with a strip of mirror. He also placed LED panes in the window frame.

This stunning optical illusion — called as “Lucid Stead” — has attracted visitors from all over the country. Initially, it was intended to be a two-day exhibit, but it quickly exploded in popularity and interest.

Here is the abandoned shack before Phillip came along.

Here is the abandoned shack before Phillip came along.
Lucid Stead

What was originally a 70-year-old homesteader house is now…

What was originally a 70-year-old homesteader house is now...
Lucid Stead

…a stunning work of art!

...a stunning work of art!
Lucid Stead

...a stunning work of art!
Lucid Stead

The reflective cabin appears almost transparent, blending in with the peaceful desert it sits upon.

The reflective cabin appears almost transparent
Lucid Stead

Phillip says, “Lucid Stead is about tapping into the quiet and the pace of change of the desert. When you slow down and align yourself with the desert, the project begins to unfold before you…”

Lucid Stead is about tapping into the quiet and the pace of change of the desert.
Lucid Stead

Look how Phillip arranged strip of mirror in between weathered board.

Look how Phillip arranged strip of mirror in between weathered board.
Lucid Stead

It looks stunning at evening.

It looks stunning at evening.
Lucid Stead

At night, the LED windows come alive, slowly rolling through the color wheel.

At night, the LED windows come alive, slowly rolling through the color wheel.
Lucid Stead

Here is the video of “Lucid Stead.”

I can barely believe my eyes! Isn’t it gorgeous? Have you ever seen anything quite like this? SHARE this if you’d love to visit this beautiful chimera!

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